Results for 'Josette Garon Léonard'

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    Meurtre du père.Josette Garon Léonard - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (1):109-114.
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  2. Pleasure.Leonard D. Katz - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Pleasure, in the inclusive usages most important in moral psychology, ethical theory, and the studies of mind, includes all joy and gladness — all our feeling good, or happy. It is often contrasted with similarly inclusive pain, or suffering, which is similarly thought of as including all our feeling bad. Contemporary psychology similarly distinguishes between positive affect and negative affect.[1..
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    A Technological Literacy Credo.Leonard J. Waks - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):357-366.
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    Liberalism.Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse - 1964 - New York: Oup Usa.
    INTRODUCTION When Liberalism was first published in 1911 a critical reviewer in the London Spectator observed, "It would be impossible to have the essential ...
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  5. Reference and Modality.Leonard Linsky - 1973 - Synthese 26 (1):146-149.
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  6. (1 other version)Kant und die Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie.Leonard Nelson - unknown - Das Weltall 6:147 - 155, 174-182, 186-193.
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  7. Vorlesungen über die Grundlagen der Ethik. Dritter Band : System der philosophischen Rechtslehre und Politik.Léonard Nelson - 1928 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 35 (3):9-10.
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    A revised multidimensional social desirability inventory.Leonard J. Jacobson, Richard F. Brown & Maria J. Ariza - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (5):391-392.
  9.  13
    Existentialism and phenomenology: a guide for research.Leonard Orr - 1978 - Troy, N.Y.: Whitston Pub. Co..
    "The compiling of a bibliography requires both a thorough knowledge of the subject . . . and the ability to discriminate effectively. Success depends as much on the clear definition of focus as on the evaluation of the texts considered. Orr succeeds on each count, thereby rendering an invaluable service to students and scholars alike. . . . Particularly interesting is the inclusion of works devoted to the interrelatedness of existentialism and the political and social sciences. And extremely helpful are (...)
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    Curvature dependence of renormalized coupling constants.Leonard Parker - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (11):1121-1129.
    The renormalization group is used to analyze the behavior of certain gravitationally significant renormalized coupling constants under a scaling of the spacetime curvature. After discussing a simple example, the results are summarized for a class of grand unified theories.
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    Bound by the Good.Leonard Ferry - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:241-260.
    Political authority is not eliminable, even if in a globalizing world order the particulars of its exercise might be undergoing a transformation. What matters to political philosophy is whether or not its existence and exercise can be justified. In this paper I begin by contrasting two paradigmatic approaches to justifications of political authority and political obligation: political naturalism and political voluntarism. Having set the stage for the debate, I connect Aquinas’s account of political authority with the former—though one will not (...)
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  12. The Complete Writings of Menno Simons c. 1496–1561.Leonard Verduin, John Christian Wenger & Harold S. Bender - 1956
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    Before Evaluating the New Educational Technologies, Place Them in a Social Context.Leonard Waks - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (1):3-4.
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    Preface.Leonard Waks - 2010 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 19 (2):1-3.
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    This Is Not Sufficient.Leonard Lawlor - 2007 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 11 (1):79-100.
    Derrida wrote extensively on "the question of the animal." In particular, he challenged Heidegger's, Husserl's, and other philosophers' work on the subject, questioning their phenomenological criteria for distinguishing humans from animals. Examining a range of Derrida's writings, including his most recent _L'animal que donc je suis_, as well as _Aporias_, _Of Spirit_, _Rams_, and _Rogues_, Leonard Lawlor reconstructs a portrait of Derrida's views on animality and their intimate connection to his thinking on ethics, names and singularity, sovereignty, and the notion (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Names and Descriptions.Leonard Linsky - 1979 - Philosophy 54 (207):128-129.
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    Opioid Bliss as the felt hedonic core of mammalian prosociality – and of consummatory pleasure more generally?Leonard D. Katz - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):356-356.
    Depue & Morrone-Strupinsky's (D&M-S's) language suggests that, unlike Kent Berridge, they may allow that the activity of a largely subcortical system, which is presumably often introspectively and cognitively inaccessible, constitutes affectively felt experience even when so. Such experience would then be phenomenally conscious without being reflexively conscious or cognitively access-conscious, to use distinctions formulated by the philosopher Ned Block.
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    Black in White America.Leonard Freed - 2010 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Originally published: New York: Grossman Publishers, 1969.
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    Direct and Indirect Searches for Low-Mass Magnetic Monopoles.Leonard Gamberg, George R. Kalbfleisch & Kimball A. Milton - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (4):543-565.
    Recently, there has been renewed interest in the search for low-mass magnetic monopoles. At the University of Oklahoma we are performing an experiment (Fermilab E882) using material from the old D0 and CDF detectors to set limits on the existence of Dirac monopoles of masses of the order of 500 GeV. To set such limits, estimates must be made of the production rate of such monopoles at the Tevatron collider, and of the binding strength of any such produced monopoles to (...)
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    The Distortions of Political Theory: The XVIIth Century Case.Leonard Krieger - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (3):323.
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    Introduction.Leonard R. Lawlor & Aline Wiame - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):1-4.
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    Small group forecasting using proportional-prize contests.Leonard Wolk, Fan Rao & Ronald Peeters - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (2):293-317.
    We consider a proportional-prize contest to forecast future events, and show that, in equilibrium, this mechanism possesses perfect forecasting ability for any group size when the contestants share common knowledge about the probabilities by which future events realize. Data gathered in a laboratory experiment confirm the performance invariance to group size. By contrast, when realization probabilities are not common knowledge, there are some differences across group sizes. The mechanism operates marginally better with three or four compared to two players. However, (...)
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    The Nature and Scope of Social Science: A Critical Anthology.Leonard I. Krimerman - 1969 - McGraw-Hill Primis Custom Publishing.
  24.  49
    Sorting Out Reason’s Relation to the Passions in the Moral Theory of Aquinas.Leonard Ferry - 2014 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 88:227-244.
    This essay challenges a growing consensus among Aquinas scholars who attribute to him a pro-passion attitude, linking his virtue theory to accounts of emotion that see the emotions in a primarily positive light. There are good reasons for thinking Aquinas far more skeptical of the role to be played by emotion in the virtuous life—indeed, one can safely argue, in agreement with Aquinas, that the emotions are often threats to and so in need of control by the virtues. I focus (...)
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    Maturation of startle reflex habituation in rats.Leonard W. Hamilton & C. Robin Timmons - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (6):427-430.
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    British society.Leonard G. Hulls - 1951 - History of Science 1 (5).
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    A Modest Protocol.Leonard Isaacs - 1979 - Hastings Center Report 9 (3):12-14.
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    Original Synthesis.Leonard Isaacs - 1977 - Hastings Center Report 7 (2):24-24.
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  29. Truth and/or consequences : neuroscience and criminal responsibility.Leonard V. Kaplan - 2004 - In Susan Pockett (ed.), Does consciousness cause behaviour? Mit Press.
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    Dalton as Experimenter.Leonard Trengove - 1969 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (4):394-398.
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    Consumer Sovereignty vs. Informed Consent: Saying No to Requests to "Do Everything" for Dying Patients.Leonard J. Weber - 1990 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 9 (3/4):95-102.
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    Schelling versus Hegel on Individuation.Leonard Weiss - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-25.
    This paper compares the views of Hegel and Schelling regarding the problem of individuation, i.e. the question of what makes an individual (a) numerically distinct from others and (b) the very individual it is. My focus is on how Hegel approaches this problem in his metaphysics and how that relates to Schelling’s views as articulated in his ‘negative philosophy’. While Hegelians like Robert Stern and Karen Ng are optimistic that Hegel can solve the problem of individuation, I argue that Schelling (...)
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    Inconștientul în viziunea lui Lucian Blaga: preludii la o noologie abisală.Leonard Gavriliu - 1997 - București: Editura Iri.
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    Contradiction and Dilemma: Orestes Brownson and the American Idea.Leonard Gilhooley - 1972 - New York,: Fordham Univ Press.
    If, as some physicians of the national malaise claim, the American dream is dead and our history as a nation has reached its end, it seems fitting to reopen the question of what America is - or should be, or what was once thought she ought to be. Although we can hardly expect this to be persuaded any longer by the historic dreams of the new Adam, a review of that century-old challenge to debate, founded in the possibility of an (...)
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    The Impact of P.L. 93?641 on the State Certificate of Need Process.Leonard Glantz - 1976 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 4 (3):4-5.
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  36. Relevance and reasoning.Leonard Goddard & Richard Sylvan - 1995 - Dialogue and Universalism 5 (5-6):37.
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    The republic revisited: The dilemma of liberty and authority.Leonard Eslick - 1971 - World Futures 10 (3):171-212.
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    Introduction.Leonard Goddard & Brenda Judge - 1982 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 60 (S1):1-5.
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  39. (1 other version)Just War Theory and Cyber-Attacks.Leonard Kahn - 2013 - In Not Just Wars.
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  40. Not Just Wars.Leonard Kahn - 2013
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    Konterrevolution von links: das Staats- und Gesellschaftsverständnis der "68er" und dessen Quellen bei Carl Schmitt.Leonard Landois - 2008 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Further Questions: A Way Out of the Present Philosophical Situation (via Foucault).Leonard Lawlor - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (1):91-105.
    Let us begin by assembling some signs of the present philosophical situation. On the one hand, the most important living French philosopher, Alain Badiou, calls for a “return to Plato,” despite the movement of anti-Platonism that dominated French and German thought in the 20 th century. On the other hand, the present moment sees a resurgence of naturalism in philosophy in general (including and especially Anglophone analytic philosophy), despite the criticisms of naturalism that have appeared throughout the 20 th century. (...)
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    Gray morning.Leonard Lawlor - 1997 - Research in Phenomenology 27 (1):234-247.
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  44. Cuba: Primera infancia, niñez E investigación.Isabel Ríos Leonard & David Andrés Jiménez - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 1 (2).
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    Derrida and antiquity.Miriam Leonard (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Written by Derrida scholars, philosophers, and classicists, Derrida and Antiquity analyses a dialogue with the ancient world in the work of one of the greatest ...
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  46. Derrida between Greek and Jew.Miriam Leonard - 2010 - In Derrida and antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Does Research Stigmatize?Martha F. Leonard, John E. Schowalter & Richard Roblin - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (1):4-37.
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    (1 other version)The Fragments of Empedocles.William Ellery Leonard - 1907 - The Monist 17 (3):451-474.
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    The Dim Hypothesis: Why the Lights of the West Are Going Out.Leonard Peikoff - 2012 - New American Library.
    An Ayn Rand scholar uses three methods he created to demonstrate historical and future trends in the fields of literature, physics, education and politics and discusses his theory that the United States is losing its dominance in these areas.
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    Hegel's undiscovered thesis-antithesis-synthesis dialectics: what only Marx and Tillich understood.Leonard F. Wheat - 2012 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Since Mueller’s 1958 article calling Hegelian dialectics a “legend,” it has been fashionable to deny that Hegel used thesis-antithesis-synthesis dialectics. But in truth, Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit has 28 dialectics hidden on four outline levels, and The Philosophy of History has 10 more on three outline levels. In Phenomenology’s macrodialectic, Hegel’s nonsupernatural Spirit–all reality, everything in the universe, including man and artificial objects–advances from unconscious + union (thesis) to conscious + separation (antithesis) to a synthesis of conscious (from the antithesis) (...)
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